Permission Graphics Fairy Terms & Copyright
The Graphics Fairy is an Angel Company. You are free to use all clip art images in any of your projects created for resale or pleasure. Please do not use more than 6 of the graphic images within any one project, or within a single page of a blog or website. These images may NOT be used on free graphics or free clipart sites ( in other words if you post free graphics on your site, do not post my images on your site to give away for free). While the images may start out as Public Domain, they are altered (Cleaned up, colors changed, missing pieces recreated, elements taken out, elements added in etc) to better suit the needs of crafters before posting. You may sell my graphics, as collage sheets, or printables, if you desire, providing you follow the 6 image rule. Some posts are available for personal use only, as noted on the individual posts. A link to the Graphics Fairy is very much appreciated, when including the images on your blog or website. Thank you! © The Graphics Fairy 2022
Copyright Laws and Public Domain: Disclaimer.
I often get questions about Copyright and Public Domain laws, which requires me to make this disclaimer, first in my own words, and then in my lawyer’s more formal legalese:
First, in my words:
Although I take copyright laws seriously, I am not a lawyer. Although I respect the intellectual property rights of others as I understand them, I can’t guarantee that your use of the images that are provided through this blog or my other websites will not infringe on the copyrights or intellectual property rights of others. I am providing these images to you for free, which certainly means that I can’t take responsibility for any damages or legal fees that you may incur if you get sued because you used images I have provided. Basically, what this means is that you have to make the decision whether to take the risk of using the images that I post. In order to help you assess that risk and make that decision, let me tell you a little bit about my understanding of the copyright laws, and how I choose the images I post. The copyright laws are very confusing as they changed many times throughout the years and are different in every country. Most of the images I post were created before 1923, because it is my understanding that the majority of images that were published or created before that date are in the public domain—meaning that anyone can use them without permission from anyone. By the way, you should know that just because an image is out there on the Internet where it can be easily copied doesn’t mean that it is in the “public domain.” Anyway, works that were created or published after 1923 are in more of a gray area. Very rarely, but on occasion, I do post images that were created later than 1923, but I do reread the laws each time and do a fair amount of research on the image to try to determine if it is in the public domain (for the U.S.) before I post it. I have never had anyone object to my posting of an image on my blog or websites, and I would never intentionally post an image unless I thought the image was in the public domain.
Now, if you can think of a way to be more thorough than I have been in checking out the copyrights of an image, please have at it, and let me know if you find anything I should know about!
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